Summer 2012

Extract : Coming Down The Mountain

Answer the question below, with detailed reference to specific examples from the extract
1   Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs representations of disability using the following:
  • Camera shots, angles, movement and composition
  • Editing
  • Sound 
  • Mise-en-scene [50]

In this extract, we study the construction of Disability through many different aspects of 'film' including Mise-en-scene, editing, camera shots and more.

The Mise-en-scene is very creative because at the beginning of this extract, the older brother 'David' announces how he feels about his 'disabled' brother 'Ben' whilst sitting up straight on the edge of his bed; As the camera shot is angled above like a 'birds-eye view', the viewers can see the whole bedroom which allows us to view where the two brothers sleep as the significance of Ben's disability is shown through having a bigger part of the room than his older brother - David. It is also more colourful and abstract which relates to his way of thinking in life. In contrast to this, David's side is clearly very dull which doesn't reflect his everyday life.

The use of a voice over is very clever as the camera 'pans' around David's head which signals to the audience that he is thinking all of these things - the best way to kill his brother - possibly due to the fact that he is disabled and makes things harder than they should be for David everyday. The 'panning' of the camera also shows the audience he is in the middle of a brainstorm due to him being absolutely still, upright and completely silent.

The use of historic clips in the start of the extract expresses the evolution of our kind and others which links in with Ben being disabled as he is slightly different to everyone in some ways. Just like the evolution and everything is slightly different, Ben is linked with this as some people in this world have been like this for a long time (big contrast) - hasn't changed for years - which is a very good use of editing as well as the transitions of each short clip.

In this shot below, the gap between the two brothers illustrates that David doesn't exactly admire his younger brother who happens to be disabled. It also represents the big difference between them physically and mentally because David is visually more capable of things like school, sport and others whereas in Ben's case, he is incapable of some things due to being handicapped. From viewers point of view, Ben's disability clearly effects both of their lives as David obviously wants to work hard at school and have fun in the meantime however has his life restricted because of Ben. Ben needs assistance with most things and David is assigned by his parents to help his disabled younger brother at all times away and at home; Which is very unfair, on David.

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